Rim of the World High School

Rim of the World High School is a public secondary school located in Lake Arrowhead, California, at the top of the mountain overlooking the San Bernardino Valley. It is part of the Rim of the World Unified School District and is the only comprehensive 9-12 high school in the system.

The school

Rim of the World High School has a student body size that ranges between 900 and 1,000 students. Rim of the World High School is believed to be the first in California which has utilized both solar and wind energy for direct use by the high school.
The school teams are "The Fighting Scots." The official mascot is the Scottish Terrier, but the more widely accepted, unofficial mascot is William Wallace. At the school, there's a large mural of Mel Gibson dressed in the same garb he wore when he played William Wallace in Braveheart. A common rumor around the school is that Mel Gibson himself came to the school dressed as William Wallace and posed for the mural, though this is largely unproven.

Green energy

Rim of the World High School utilizes both solar panels and wind turbines to supplement their energy needs.

Notable alumni