Rigmor Dam

Rigmor Dam is a Faroese politician and teacher, she has also been working as a journalist for the Faroese paper Sosialurin before she was elected to the Faroese parliament, the Løgting. She is the current Minister of Education, Research and Culture of the Faroe Islands.

Political career

Dam was elected member of the Faroese parliament for Social Democratic Party in 2011. At the 2015 elections she was re-elected. On 15 September 2015 she was elected Minister of Culture in the Cabinet of Aksel V. Johannesen.

Member of standing committees of the Løgting 2011-15

Rigmor Dam is the daughter of Durita og Bergur P. Dam, her grandfather on her father's side, was former prime minister Peter Mohr Dam, former prime minister Atli Dam was her uncle and the politician Helena Dam á Neystabø is her cousin. Rigmor Dam is married to Arnbjørn Ó. Dalsgarð, a librarian, writer and one of two editors of the Faroese magazine Vencil. They have three children: Bergur, Sára Maria and Rói.