Richmond Boys Choir

Richmond Boys Choir is a non-profit organization whose mission is "building a richer humanity for male youth through personal, academic and musical excellence." The organization, which has been nationally recognized on numerous occasions, is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, in the United States. RBC is tax-exempt and remains totally funded by donations, sponsorships and federal and state grants.


The Richmond Boys Choir was founded in 1996 in Richmond, Virginia, as a collaboration between Theatre IV and the Boys & Girls Club of Richmond. In the fall of 1996 the RBC conducted its first citywide auditions. As a result approximately 25 boys were chosen for membership. By 1997 RBC became an independent, non-profit 5013. Before long the choir was recognized by the mayor as "Richmond's Ambassadors' of Song".


Mission statement:
Building a richer humanity for male youth through personal, academic and musical excellence.
Core beliefs:
The Richmond Boys Choir seeks to provide a quality alternative for urban youth in Richmond by creating a positive avenue that cultivates personal development and establishes a foundation of academic and social success.

Performance awards

The choir is in its 20th season and regularly performs in the community of Richmond and on tour throughout the United States. Tours have included performances in Kansas City, Kansas, Baltimore, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Fayetteville, North Carolina, New York City, New York and Panama City, Panama, among others. The choir has also appeared on the nationally syndicated program The Today Show. In 2007, the choir was named a finalist in the National Endowment for the Arts Coming Up Taller Awards. The August 2015 edition of Richmond Magazine names the Richmond Boys Choir the city's best youth choir.