Richa Nagar

Richa Nagar is a scholar, creative writer, educator, and theatre-worker who is at the University of Minnesota. Nagar's creative and scholarly work makes multi-lingual and multi-genre contributions to transnational feminism, social geography, critical development studies, and critical ethnography. Her research has encompassed a range of topics including: politics of space, identity and community among communities of South Asian origin in Tanzania; questions of empowerment in relation to grass-roots struggles in the global South, principally with the in Sitapur District, India; the politics of language and social fracturing in the context of development and neo-liberal globalization; and creative praxis that uses collaboration, co-authorship, and translation to blur the borders between academic, activist, and artistic labor. She has held residential fellowships at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford in 2005-2006, at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study at New Delhi in 2011-2012, and at the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape in 2013. She was named Honorary Professor at the Unit for Humanities at the Rhodes University at Rhodes University in South Africa in 2017, and her work has been translated into several languages including Turkish, Marathi, Italian, German and Mandarin.

Work on the Politics of Place and Identity among 'Asians' in Tanzania

Richa Nagar's historical, geographical, and feminist exploration of the politics of place, identity, and community among 'Asians' in Tanzania is based on a "large number of life histories as well as participant observation" among Hindus, Khoja Shia Ithna Asheris, Goans and Sikhs, chiefly in the city of Dar es Salaam. This body of work is "significant for its geographical focus" and "provides a useful and very necessary corrective to the misperceptions" that "construct all Asians as a monolithic category." It highlights how "processes at multiple scales intersect and shape the negotiation of geographic and social space among different diasporic South Asian groups in their neighborhoods" while also "explor many relevant dimensions of the researcher-narrator relationship... to the processes involved in navigating within and across Dar's many Asian and African communities, with their particular spaces, boundaries, markers of identity, and hierarchies of power."

Coauthoring Across Research and Activism

In 2004, Nagar published with eight rural women activists or Sangtins, the Hindi book, Sangtin Yatra which refers to a "journey of solidarity, reciprocity, and enduring friendship." The eight activists—Anupamlata, Ramsheela, Reshma Ansari, Richa Singh, Shashibala, Shashi Vaish, Surbala, and Vibha Bajpayee—collaborated with Richa Nagar to explore questions of power, location, and difference in their own lives through personal storytelling, while also engaging with issues of inequity and discrimination in NGOs that seek to empower poor rural women in the global south. This discussion of NGOs triggered a backlash against the authors, which is examined in the English version of the book, Playing with Fire: Feminist Thought and Activism Through Seven Lives in India. Playing with Fire "challenges academic protocol and activist verities alike" and "grapples with creative solutions, such as upending hierarchies of skill and knowledge in organizations, as well as means to fight organizational dependency on donors...Every chapter makes for fascinating reading as the women emerge in their complexity, in their specificity, and in their international context that still includes outside donors driven by their own interests." The book "asks us to think in radically new ways about responsibility, access, research, agency, authorship, subjects, and audience. It contributes to the vibrant discourse on the politics of research particularly between the 'north' and 'south' pushes at the boundaries of this discourse as it demonstrates different ways of engaging in collaborative work that challenges the separation between 'the academy' and 'political organizing'."

The debates triggered by Sangtin Yatra and Playing with Fire helped to build Sangtin Kisaan Mazdoor Sangathan or the Sangtin Farmers and Laborers Organization in the Mishrikh and Pisawan blocks of Sitapur District of Uttar Pradesh.. Nagar's book with Richa Singh in Hindi, Ek Aur Neemsaar: Sangtin Atmamanthan Aur Andolan tells the story of the birth and growth of SKMS. Playing with Fire and Sangtin Yatra have been translated into Turkish as Ateşle Oynamak: Hindistan'da Yedi Yaşam Üzerinden Feminist Düşünce ve Eylem and into Marathi as Ageeshee Khelataana: Saat Stree Karyakartancha Sahpravaas.
In Muddying the Waters: Coauthoring Feminisms Across Scholarship and Activism, which received Gloria Anzaldua Book Prize's Honorable Mention, Richa Nagar examines coauthorship as a mode of sharing authority and addresses translation as ethical responsibility. The book "emerges out of the difficulties and possibilities encountered in the creation of politically meaningful scholarship that inevitably crosses multiple borders. Those between academia and social movements, academic and nonacademic writing, or geographical and linguistic borders...Nagar's work is a call for politically engaged and ethical research that takes matters of epistemic violence seriously. For the author, such research cannot shy away from the tensions, risks and challenges involved in the building of solidarities and alliances between researchers and the researched 'on the ground.' These 'situated solidarities' are achievable when activists and scholars speak with each other to become 'radically vulnerable' through trust, affect and critical reflexivity without losing sight of their institutional, material and geopolitical positions.". Here, Nagar also introduces the concept of 'radical vulnerability' as a critical mode of collectivity in politically-engaged alliance-work—an idea that she and her critics have continued to explore further.

Books in English