Ribe skull fragment

The Ribe skull fragment is a section of human skull bone inscribed with runes and unearthed in 1973 in an archaeological excavation at Ribe, Denmark. It dates to circa 725 CE.


The skull fragment is approximately 6 x 8.5 cm in size and has been taken from the top of a cranium. It has a hole bored in it and it is inscribed with transitional younger futhark runes. The runic inscription retains two characters from the elder futhark, ᚺ and ᛗ.
These transliterate as:
A possible interpretation of the inscription is:
Where "Ulfr" may refer to the wolf Fenrir, "Odin" to the god Odin, "High-tiur" to the god Týr and "Buri" to the god Búri. It has been suggested that the existence of a hole in the fragment may indicate its use as an amulet. However, there is a general lack of wear of the type that would be expected if it had been used in this way.