
Rhodophiala is a genus of herbaceous, perennial and bulbous plants in the Amaryllis family. It consists of about 30 South American species distributed in southern Brazil, Argentina, and, specially, in Chile.


Rhodophiala species resemble small-flowered Hippeastrum or multiflowered Habranthus species. Their narrow parallel-sided leaves are unlike that of Hippeastrum, more closely resembling that of Habranthus or Zephyranthes.


At one stage, Rhodophiala was considered a subgenus of the closely related Hippeastrum.
Although as of February 2016 not yet accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families a number of species of Rhodophiala have been rehabilitated as Rhodolirium.


The World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepts 27 species as of 2013:
The following species, formerly in Rhodophiala have been transferred to Rhodolirium.