Rhoads Homestead

Rhoads Homestead is a historic homestead located at New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The farmhouse consists of two sections; the oldest built about 1734. The first section is a -story fieldstone structure with a 1-story, sloped roof fieldstone addition attached. A second house dates to 1760, and is a -story, fieldstone dwelling remodeled in the 19th century in the Victorian style. It has a 2-story stone addition and a 1-story board-and-batten addition. Associated with this house are stone spring houses, board-and-batten wood sheds, a clapboard pump shelter, and the ruins of a small bank barn. The third house was built in 1858, and is a small -story, board-and-batten dwelling built to house servants. The homestead was the site of General William Alexander's three week bivouac prior to the Battle of Trenton from December 8 through December 25, 1776.
It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
