Rey Fire

The Rey Fire was a wildfire that burned in the area southeast of Lake Cachuma in the range above the Santa Ynez River, Santa Barbara County, California in 2016. By the time the fire was contained, it had burned.

The fire

The fire was first reported at 3:15pm on Thursday August 18, 2016 and by Saturday morning had grown to over, nearly quadrupling in size over night. About 300 people were evacuated from their campsites and residences, and on Friday officials let up to 5 groups at a time retrieve personal belongings from their campsites. As of Monday morning, about 1200 firefighters were working on containing the blaze, as well as 11 aircraft. As of Monday morning, the fire has exploded to 23,546 acres and has increased back to 20% containment in 4 days and 14 hours, since it started.
The National Weather Service reported on Saturday that the fire had produced a pyrocloud. This mass of hot air resembles a thunderstorm cloud that can collapse when the air cools down. The wind can manifest as strong gusts at the surface which can exacerbate the fire.
On Sunday night, August 28th, the fire had charred 33,006 acres and was 54% contained, with very little, if not no growth overnight.
The acreage of the fire was decreased from 33,006 to and was at 96% containment on September 1st.
On September 16, the fire was fully contained, having burned