Results of the 2015 Canadian federal election by riding
Official results after judicial recounts.
Abbreviations Guide:
- Animal All. - Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party
- AOTN - Alliance of the North
- BQ - Bloc Québécois
- Canada - Canada Party
- CAP - Canadian Action Party
- CHP - Christian Heritage Party
- Comm. - Communist Party
- Conservative - Conservative Party
- DAPC - Democratic Advancement Party
- Green - Green Party
- Ind. - Independent
- Liberal - Liberal Party
- Libert. - Libertarian Party
- Mar. - Marijuana Party
- M-L - Marxist–Leninist Party
- NA - No Affiliation
- NDP - New Democratic Party
- PACT - Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency
- PC - Progressive Canadian Party
- Pirate - Pirate Party
- Rhino. - Rhinoceros Party
- SD/FD - Strength in Democracy
- Seniors - Seniors Party
- TBP - The Bridge Party
- United - United Party
- All candidate names are those on the official list of confirmed candidates; names in media or on party website may differ slightly.
- Names in boldface type represent party leaders.
- † represents that the incumbent is not running again.
- § represents that the incumbent was defeated for nomination.
- ₰ represents that the incumbent was disqualified from their nomination contest.
- ‡ represents that the incumbent is running in a different district.
- indicates that results have been certified by a judge following a judicial recount; all other totals are those validated by the Returning Officer.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Eastern Quebec
Côte-Nord and Saguenay
Quebec City
Central Quebec
Eastern Townships
Eastern Montreal
Western Montreal
Northern Montreal and Laval
Eastern Ontario
Central Ontario
Southern Durham and York
Suburban Toronto
Central Toronto
Brampton, Mississauga and Oakville
Hamilton, Burlington and Niagara
Midwestern Ontario
Southwestern Ontario
Northern Ontario
Rural Manitoba
Southern Saskatchewan
Northern Saskatchewan
Rural Alberta
Edmonton and environs
British Columbia
BC Interior
Vancouver and Northern Lower Mainland
Vancouver Island
Northwest Territories