A residentialcommunity is a community, usually a small town or city, that is composed mostly of residents, as opposed to commercial businesses and/or industrial facilities, all three of which are considered to be the three main types of occupants of the typical community. Residential communities are typically communities that help support more commercial or industrial communities with consumers and workers. That phenomenon is probably because some people prefer not to live in an urban or industrial area, but rather a suburban or ruralsetting. For that reason, they are also called dormitory towns, bedroom communities, or commutertowns. An example of a residential community would include a small town or city outside a larger city or a large town located near a smaller but more commercially- or industrially-centered town or city, for instance Taitou in Gaocun, Wuqing, Tianjin, China.
In the People's Republic of China, a community, also called residential unit or residential quarter or neighbourhood or residential community, is an urban residential area and its residents administrated by a subdistrict. Every community has a community committee, neighborhood committee or residents' committee and every committee administers the dwellers living in that community. Shequ are community institutions, consisting of participating citizens and chiefs, the latter ones being installed by the central governance. Shequ represent an attempt to restructure the relationship between state and urban community in China. The social anthropologistFei Xiaotong is considered the first to have proposed the introduction of the idea of shequ in China. The introduction of shequ started after the collapse of the previously existing social institutions during the mid-1990s. Shequ were supposed to relieve the state of certain duties and responsibilities by transferring them to citizens participating in the shequ. They take over responsibilities which in democratic states are assumed by organisations of the civil community.