Republican-Socialist Party

The Republican-Socialist Party was a French socialist political party during the French Third Republic founded in 1911 and dissolved in 1934.
Founded by non-Marxist socialists who refused to join the French Section of the Workers' International after its foundation in 1905, and by independent Radicals who refused to join the Radical-Socialist Party when its parliamentary group required formal party membership in 1911, the PRS was a reformist socialist party located between the SFIO and the Radical Socialist Party. PRS member René Viviani was the first French Minister of Labour.
The PRS was weakened by an ideological contradiction between socialism and reformism in an era where the political divide was very sharp. It also suffered from an organizational division between those favouring a united and structured party like the SFIO or an independent party with independent personalities. The party was dissolved in 1934.
In 1945, an attempt failed to recreate it within the Rally of Left Republicans. Several PRS members headed French cabinets, including Viviani, Aristide Briand, Paul Painlevé, Alexandre Millerand and Joseph Paul-Boncour.
