Remember WENN

Remember WENN is a comedy-drama television series that aired from 1996 to 1998 on the cable channel American Movie Classics. Created and written by Rupert Holmes and set at the fictional Pittsburgh radio station WENN in the late 1930s and early 1940s, it depicted events in the personal and professional lives of the station's staff in the era before and during World War II and the Golden Age of Radio. It is not related to the real radio station in Alabama known with the WENN callsign from 1959 to 1983 and again since 2009. The series title is a play on the phrase "remember when".
The show ran for four seasons totalling 56 episodes, including an hour-long Christmas episode. The series was slated for a fifth season, but was cancelled when new management took over AMC. Holmes says that it was his favorite writing experience in his career.

Major characters

Season 1 (1996)

Season 2 (1996–97)

Season 3 (1997)

Season 4 (1998)

Notable guest stars