is an Indian news, information, entertainment and shopping web portal, founded in 1996. It is headquartered in Mumbai, with offices in Bangalore, New Delhi and New York City.
According to Alexa Internet, was ranked 51st for Internet traffic in India as of 2020. As of 2009 it had more than 300 employees. Most of the visitors to are from India, while the rest come primarily from the United States and Japan.


The domain was registered in India in 1996. Early products included the email service Rediffmail and Rediff Shopping, an online marketplace selling electronics and peripherals.
In 2001, was alleged to be in violation of the Securities Act of 1933 for filing a materially false prospectus in relation to an IPO of its American depositary shares. The case was resolved by settlement in 2009.
In April 2001, acquired the India Abroad newspaper.
In 2007, Rediff iShare, a multimedia platform, was released. In 2010, Rediffmail NG was launched, an email service for mobile platforms. In 2012, Rediff launched its Android App for Rediff News.
In April 2016, the company decided to delist from NASDAQ, citing the high cost of reporting requirements, given its financial condition.