Red beret

The red beret is a military beret worn by many military police, paramilitary, commando, and police forces. The term is also used to refer to the British Parachute Regiment, although members wear the maroon beret.


The red beret was worn as a distinguishing device by Carlist Guías de Navarra soldiers in the First Carlist War, encouraged by their commander Tomás de Zumalacárregui. Regular Carlists wore a black beret. The red beret became widespread amongst the Carlists in the Second Carlist War, it later became an emblem of Carlists in general, often with a yellow pom pom or tassel. See also the Requetés, a type of volunteer unit during the Spanish Civil War.
The red beret was also worn by the Chapelgorris who fought against the Carlists in the First Carlist War.

Airborne forces

Red berets are worn by the military police of many NATO and Commonwealth of Nations militaries.
member uses field glasses to look across the Berlin Wall from a viewing platform on the western side, 1984.
The following military units wear red berets:
The following military units formerly wore red berets:
