Real Fake

Real Fake is a Japanese television mini-series that aired on MBS on the channel's programming block, Dramaism. The series was written and directed by Nobuhiro Mouri, with production by Dub, Inc. The production stars Yoshihiko Aramaki, Keisuke Ueda, Ren Ozawa, Masanari Wada, Ryuji Sato, Ryunosuke Matsumura, Toshiyuki Someya, and Shouta Aoi, all of whom have been involved in 2.5D musicals.


Stellar Crowns is a project group made up of actors and singers, but one of the members, Akane, disappears before their debut. However, Stellar Crowns' agency gets a tip stating that he is still alive but has been kidnapped by a traitorous member in Stellar Crowns. The agency's president enlists Hidetoshi Moriya, an aspiring filmmaker and Akane's best friend, to investigate under a pretense of filming a documentary about Stellar Crowns.


;Nagisa Makino
;Yusuke Ikuta
;Rin Sawase
;Kakeru Suzuki
;Reijiro Umehara
;Masayuki Sena
;Hidetoshi Moriya
;Akane Kaburagi


Real Fake began airing on MBS as part of their programming block, Dramaism, on September 2, 2019, and later aired on TBS on September 4, 2019. The series is written and directed by Nobuhiro Mouri and produced by Dub, Inc. The cast features actors who have previously acted in 2.5D musicals. The opening theme song is "Real Fake" by the main cast as their characters, credited as Stellar Crowns with Akane. The ending theme song is "Fake of Fake" by Shouta Aoi, which was released as a B-side on his single "Harmony."


No.TitleDirectorWriterOriginal air date


Cheers, Big Ears! is a studio album produced for Real Fake featuring songs performed by the main cast as their characters. The limited version of the album included an exclusive DVD and an alternate cover. The album charted at #18 on the Oricon Weekly Album Charts and sold 7,319 copies on its first week.