Raymond Cho (actor)

Raymond Cho Wing-Lim is a Hong Kong television star. He currently works for the television company, TVB. Raymond used to be a singer, winning a singing competition when he was 29 years old. After an unsuccessful attempt at being a singer, he gave acting a try. After filming some movies, he joined TVB.
Notable dramas he has starred in are: Healing Hands II, Healing Hands III, Welcome to the House, and At Home With Love.
Cho married Elaine Chiang, the eldest daughter of Hong Kong actor David Chiang, on 28 November 2007. Their son Brandon Cho was born in 2008. Their second child, daughter Erin Cho, was born in 2011.


TV series


Political Participation

Raymond Cho is one of the artist who is usually expressing the speeches to support The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and the Chief Executives from 2014 Hong Kong protests. Some of the speeches are even unpleasant on specific politicians from pro-democratic camp and appreciated by the medias of Radical pro-Beijing camp.
In 2016, Raymond posted a message said the Rule of Law in Hong Kong "is dying" when the Spokesman of Hong Kong Indigenous - Edward Leung in 2016 Mong Kok civil unrest was judged as innocence.

In 20 May 2019, Raymond replied the Facebook news which is written about Joshua Wong with the curse speech that celebrated Joshua was put into jail. Afterwards, he had the further reply "希望佢快啲香" in Cantonese, it means "Wishes him dead very soon". Raymond's replies made numerous of Hong Kong Netizens stroke back, he added with provocative tone that he would not argue with the trash when it is meaningless.