Raptor (Thai duo)

Raptor was a Thai musical duo popular in the 1990s. The duo consisted of Joni Anwar and Louis Scott. Their albums Raptor, Waab Boys, Day Shock and Raptor Goodbye each sold over a million copies.


The pair started as child actors in the 1982 movie Toe Laaw Tong Toe. They studied in Bangkok Pattana International School together. Raptor was born because Suea Thanapol, their producer, had the idea after seeing the movie Jurassic Park,
They had naughty activities including dropping a water balloon on a truck. The truck was full of tape cassettes was damaged.
Raptor was successful in the 1990s in Thailand and Asia. They sold a million more tape cassettes marketing and tour concert in Bangkok and other provinces. Joni eventually left to study in overseas. They decided end Raptor with albums Raptor Goodbye and Raptor The Memory. They had another studio album after they split-out of Raptor. They performed a reunion concert in 2011 and continued thereafter.


Studio albums

General references