Ramen Goel

Dr. Ramen Goel, MS FICS FRCSEd is an Indian Bariatric & Metabolic surgeon and is associated is with Hinduja Healthcare Khar, Zen Hospital Chembur and Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai. He is the founder of the Centre for Metabolic Surgery, a weight-loss centre located in Mumbai. He was appointed as the Honorary Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals by the State Government of Maharashtra in 1994.


Dr Goel started his surgical career in 1988 after his post-graduation in surgery. In 1992-93, he spent 6 months in Austria for a postgraduate course in gastrointestinal surgery at the University of Vienna. He started his laparoscopy surgical practice in 1993. His interest in bariatric surgery started in 1999-2000 after observing surgeries by Dr Michel Suter at Laussane & Dr V Frering in Lyon. This started his bariatric journey as he performed the first gastric band in India in 2000. He was invited to start the bariatric surgery department at the largest private hospital, Bombay Hospital in 2002. His work has been presented at international meetings of IFSO, ASMBS & in Crete, Sydney, Geneva, San Diego, Dallas, New York, Rustsu, Las Vegas, and Delhi. He completed his preceptor program of American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery with Dr Mal Fobi in Los Angeles. In April 2012, Dr Goel underwent an intense training in robotic surgery at the Rothmans Hospital, Buffalo, USA. He has performed surgeries on several Bollywood personalities, leading corporate captains like Subrato Roy. Dr. Goel performs the procedure, surgery which helps in weight loss, childhood obesity and diabetes management


A study with Dr. Goel as the Principal Investigator at Bombay Hospital showed that by repositioning a portion of the intestine and at the same time reducing the size of the stomach, the production of diabetes-causing hormones in the body could be regulated successfully. The study published in the International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries underlined how the procedure, called Ileal Transposition with Sleeve Gastrectomy, could offer hope to millions who suffer from Type II diabetes despite having normal weight.

Fighting with Obesity

The sedentary lifestyle of Indians is the main reason behind increasing number of obese people. The food Indians eat - both traditional and modern - is high on calories. Plus, most people are inert and have absolutely no exercise in their daily routine. Apart from the lifestyle, there are reasons beyond human control as well, contributing to making India a country of obese people. Dr. Goel has performed surgery across different lifestyle strata.

Childhood Obesity

There is a 2.5% of childhood obesity in India which has taken its toll in the urban children, Dr Goel has been working with these obese children where they have acquired through excessive consumption of caloriedense food, frequent eating out and lack of physical activity are the main reasons for severe obesity in young children.

Diabetes Management

62 million people suffering from diabetes reside in India. There is a rising demand for insulin in the country, there is a pressing need for the government and the regulator to bring the prices down. Insulin which is used within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic, this helps in controlling the disease. Dr. Goel, highlights the metabolic surgery which was primarily for weight loss in significantly obese people was seen to result in diabetes control in most of the patients.

Bariatric Surgery gets insurance

While bariatric surgeries essentially lead to weight loss, the procedure helps in controlling of diabetes and hypertension. These surgeries were initially recommended for morbidly obese people, but in the last five years they are being offered to diabetic patients who are not obese. Dr. Goel has been a supporter for insurance companies to insure and cover the weight loss surgery.


1. Goel R, Amin P, Goel M, Marik S. Early remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus by laparoscopic ileal transposition with sleeve gastrectomy surgery
in 23–35 BMI patients. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries 31:91–96
2. Goel R. Obesity management: Where are we? practice, research, publication and application. J Obes Metab Res 2014;1:6
3. Goel R. Post Bariatric Surgery Nutrition and Health Dr. Vandana Bambawale Oration at AIAAROCON at Kolkata on 21st December 2013. J Obes Metab Res
4. Goel R. Bariatric surgery: What is holding back?. J Obes Metab Res 2015;2:1-2
5. Goel R. Mini gastric bypass: Un-answered questions. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery. 2017;13:323-324.
6. Nasta, A.M., Patel, D., Shrivastav, O. et al. Mesenteric Panniculitis—First Case Series After Bariatric Surgery. OBES SURG 28: 881.
7. Nasta, A.M., Goel, R., Dharia, S. et al. Weight Loss and Comorbidity Resolution 3 Years after Bariatric Surgery – An Indian Perspective. OBES
SURG 28:2712-2719
8. Goel, R., Goel, M., Nasta, A.M. et al.Portion Control Eating—a Determinant of Bariatric Outcomes OBES SURG 28:3738-3743
9. Bhandari M et al, Standardization of Bariatric Metabolic Procedures: World Consensus Meeting Statement. Obes Surg 29:309-345
10. Goel Ramen, Goel M, Nasta A. Bariatric Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
11. Nasta AM et al Is Sleeve Gastrectomy Overcriticized? A single center Indian experience with 5 year follow up results. SOARD:1-5
12. Aashik Shetty1, Amrit Nasta1, Amit Gupte2, Ramen Goel1. The role of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in bariatric procedure selection: A case
series and literature review. DOI: 10.4103/jmas.JMAS_139_19
13. Bhatia IN, Nasta AM, Goel MR, Goel RG. Prevalent bariatric dietary practices: Is India on the same page? Journal of Minimal Access Surgery. 2020
Jan. DOI: 10.4103/jmas.jmas_205_19.
14. Nagarajan, B., Gupta, K., Nasta, A. et al. Usefulness of Preoperative Trans-Abdominal Ultrasound Prior to Bariatric Surgery. SN Compr. Clin. Med.
2, 11–15.
15. Srivastava A, Amrit Nasta AM, Pathania BS et al. Surgical Practice Recommendations for Minimal Access Surgeons during Covid 19 Pandemic – Indian
Inter- Society Directives. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery.;16: 195-200
16. Sundaram E,,Kanagavel Manickavasagam K, Goel R et al. Indian Association of Gastro-intestinal Endo Surgeons Covid-19 Endoscopy Recommendations.
Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 2020;16:201-5
1. Contributed chapter ‘Recent Advances in Management of Obesity’ in volume 1 of book titled Progress in Reproductive Endocrinology’ published by Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India in 2003
2. Contributed chapter on ‘Lap Adjustable Gastric Band’ in 4th Edition Textbook of Laparoscopy published by Indian Association of Gastro-intestinal Endo-surgeons in 2018
3. Contributed chapter on ‘Sleeve Gastrectomy’ in 4th Edition Textbook of Laparoscopy published by Indian Association of Gastro-intestinal Endo-surgeons in 2018
4. Contributed chapter on ‘Mini Gastric Bypass’ in 4th Edition Textbook of Laparoscopy published by Indian Association of Gastro-intestinal Endo-surgeons in 2018
5. Contributed chapter on ‘Hernia in Obesity – Recent Guidelines’ in 1st Edition of Recent Advances in Minimal Access Surgery published by Indian Association of Gastro-intetstinal Endo Surgeons in 2019
6. Goel Ramen, Nasta Amrit. Hernia in Obesity: Recent Guidelines. Recent Advances in MinimalAccess Surgery. Chapter 6, 2017