Raksha. Raksha and its various derivatives which occur predominantly in the Vedas and their many auxiliary texts means – to protect, guard, take care of, tend, rule, govern, to keep, not to divulge, to preserve, save, keep away from, spare, to avoid, to observe or to beware of, an evil spirit, a demon, an imp and is the root of numerous words. In the Vedas it refers to the evil tendencies that continuously afflict humanity. In Sukta 104 of the VII Mandala of the Rig Veda in the 22ndmantra addressed to Indra beginning – इन्द्रासोमा तपतं रक्ष उब्जतं न्यर्पयतं वृषणा तमोवृधः, Rishi Vasishthahmaitravaruni states:- which mantra has been translated by T.H.Griffith in the following manner to mean destroy :- But, in fact, in this mantra, Rishi Vasishthahmaitravaruni refers to the Rakshas as groups of evil tendencies, having base animalqualities stemming from the rajas and tamas ulookavritti, owl tendency, attachment, 2) shushlookavritti, wolf tendency, anger, 3) shvavritti, dog tendency, envy, 4) kokavritti, goose tendency, lustfulness, 5) suparnavritti, kite tendency, ego, and 6) grddhavritti, vulture tendency, greediness. Taking the cue, in the very first Sukta- prayer intended to root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, unsympathetic and uncharitable exploiters of humanity, Yajurveda mantra I.7 reads :- Rati means gati which means motion, movement and advancement; Aratayo means agati or inactivity, slothfulness and inertness. When evil tendencies are destroyed, inactivity disappears and capability to do worthy acts is instilled, misfortune is washed away, then, a person's actions lead him/her to the gain of wealth, and the feeling of benevolence comes to the fore. The worshipper by praying – "I am keeping the vast antariksha" -- seeks to become united with all the capabilities to act thus united he becomes filled up with feelings of benevolence. Heating up of the Rakshas indicates one becoming pure and sanctified whereas the Aratis are meant to be heated up by the fire of true awakening.