Rajna Dragićević

Rajna Dragićević, PhD, is a Serbian linguist, lexicologist and lexicographer. She is a full professor at the Faculty of Philology, the University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Dragicevic is the author of over 250 articles published in Serbian and international linguistic journals. She published four books, Pridevi sa značenjem ljudskih osobina u savremenom srpskom jeziku, Leksikologija srpskog jezika, Verbalne asocijacije kroz srpski jezik i kulturu, Leksikologija i gramatika u skoli. She collaborated in making of four dictionaries, Asocijativni rečnik srpskoga jezika, Semantičko-derivacioni rečnik, II sveska, Rečnik srpskoga jezika publish by Matica srpska, and Obratni asocijativni rečnik srpskoga jezika. Dragicevic is also a recipient of the Serbian linguistic award Pavle Ivić.