Rain (TV series)

Rain is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by Amanah Surga Productions that airs daily on SCTV. The cast includes Cassandra Sheryl Lee, Randy Martin, Stefhanie Zamora Husen, Salshabilla Adriani, Endy Arfian with cameo appearances from actors from Indonesian films and television.


The girl was always standing at the window of
her room. Every day she was waiting for the rain.
She hate dry. Drought has made the flowers in his garden, and make kids drawing class one by one sick that he was lonely. Drought also make people in place to fight, water fight each other. Drought has struck robs the beautiful smile and spread hatred on earth. But in place the other, there is a guy who joyous welcome drought with play and partying favorite.
The girl called her Rain he was
born in the rain fell drenching the earth. Then
later, his parents were giving Rain names hopefully, she will grow to be the girl who always carries life on earth and foster hope the dead heart. Rain and Fahri became friends who loves the rain after the incident back in the rain, and that the rain hunt anywhere. End of beauty rain they are pursuing is the Rainbow, Rainbow. Until their friends, dub both, the pair of rain. And rain for rain it was then grow the seed
of love in their hearts. Yes..., Rain and Fahri, fell in love. But apparently, not just rain water rain coming down from heaven to earth. The rain was coming in the form of tears. Once, as Rain was sick, she did not go to school, Fahri who lost her cried and prayed. But unfortunately, Rain got thyroid cancer stage four.
