Rachel Claudio

Rachel Claudio is a singer/songwriter, DJ, and live performing musical artist from Perth, Australia.


Claudio was born and raised in Perth with an Italian heritage. After establishing herself as a DJ in Perth she moved to Paris, aged around 23.
She performs her music by singing, sampling and mixing live while manipulating an array of musical production technology. Claudios grandfather impressed her with a fondness for musical styles such as Italian opera and The Beatles, and she spent a portion of her childhood indoors with piano music, playing and composing.


Claudio has performed for artistic productions such as The Luxury of Landscape, a mutli-discipline art installation in Florence, Italy, featuring floral art, photography, music and fashion. Claudio contributed to Luxury of Landscape with a group of artists selected and led by fashion designer and financier Aneka Manners, but alas did not appear at the installation in person, claiming to be "too pregnant to fly" at the time. Claudio appeared on the French TF1 television channel version of where she received a standing ovation for singing Message in a Bottle by Police.
A TEDxPerth live performance and speech by Claudio about translating emotions into sound has received almost 1 million views between February 2017 and March 2020.
Claudio travels the world performing and supporting many popular music acts. Her style of performance is achieved by electronic live sampling with keyboards, creating beats and backing music on the fly and combining them with her singing.