RTI Surgical

RTI Surgical is a medical technology company that was founded in 1992 as Pioneer Surgical Technology in Marquette, Michigan, United States.


The company was founded by Matthew Songer, and its first major product was the Songer Cable, used in spine surgeries. The Songer Cable was featured in the book, Contemporary Management of Spinal Cord Injuries.
Pioneer Surgical later developed products in the spine, biologics, orthopedics, and cardio-thoracic markets. Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm visited Pioneer in 2005 and cited Pioneer as an example of job creation in the Upper Peninsula. In 2007, Pioneer acquired Angstrom Medica, a Massachusetts-based medical company focused on nanotechnology and Encelle, A North Carolina-based company researching and developing tissue regeneration products. Pioneer was acquired in July 2013 by RTI Biologics, and the firm was then renamed RTI Surgical.