RGB (album)

RGB is a collection album by Akino Arai. It contains several singles and b-sides previously unreleased on an album.

Track listing

  1. "昼の月"
  2. : - First ending theme of Outlaw Star
  3. "さかさまの虹"
  4. :
  5. "Little Wing"
  6. "黒い種"
  7. :
  8. "月の家"
  9. : - Second ending theme of Outlaw Star
  10. "ばらの茂み"
  11. :
  12. "星の木馬"
  13. :
  14. "叶えて"
  15. :
  16. "祝祭の前"
  17. :
  18. "花のかたち"
  19. :
  20. "フォロー・ミー"
  21. :
  22. "きれいな感情"
  23. : - Ending theme of Noir
  24. "空の青さ"
  25. :
  26. "白昼夢"
  27. :