Régine Chopinot

Régine Chopinot, born at Fort-de-l'Eau in Algeria, is a French dancer and choreographer of Contemporary Dance.


Since she was 5 years old, Régine Chopinot studied classical dance, and then discovered, in 1974, Contemporary Dance with Marie Zighera.
She will later teach at Croix-Rousse in Lyon . In 1978, she founded her own company,Compagnie du Grèbe, in association with dancers, actors and musicians. She then signed her first choreographies.
In 1981, three years later, she won the second prize of Concours chorégraphique international de Bagnolet for Halley's Comet.
Her creations, Délices et Via, will introduce multimedia and cinema in the dance world and use new lighting techniques. For Délices in 1983, Régine Chopinot met Jean-Paul Gaultier, a French tailor. Both artists will keep working together for 10 years, for Le Défilé, K.O.K., Ana St Georges et Façade.