Régiment de Bourbonnais

The Bourbonnais Regiment , was a royal regiment of the French Ancien Régime formed in 1597. After being re-formed and disbanded multiple times, it eventually gained the name of Régiment de Bourbonnais, and shortly after joined the regular army. The unit would go on to serve in all the major wars of the period before being disbanded and reformed after the French Revolution. The successor of the regiment continued to exist until 1940 when it was disbanded following the Battle of France.

American Revolutionary War


When the Declaration of Independence was announced, the regiment was still on garrison duty, and shortly after left Corsica for Bourbonnais to fill its ranks. In 1779, after the Battles of Saratoga, the French declared war on the British, and the regiment moved to Brittany, then to Rennes, and finally Brest in 7 April 1780. When the regiment arrived in Brest, it was assigned to what became known as Expédition Particulière, lead by Général Jean-Baptiste de Vimeur, Comte de Rochambeau. In March 1781, the regiment was employed as marines on the Ardent and Jason during the Naval Action of the Chesapeake Bay. On 8 April 1780 the convoy embarked for the United States, and on 11 July 1780 arrived in Newport, Rhode Island.

Deployment & the Chesepeake

Upon arrival the regiment took up quarters in the town and remained there through the winter, it was only in June 1781 that the army was concentrated and united with the American Army. Later, the armies made their way to the town of Yorktown as Nathanael Greene's Southern Campaign came to an end. On 21 July, around 2500 men of the army, consisting of troops from the Bourbonnais, Royal-Deux-Ponts, and a flying column battalion of the Soissonnais fought a reconnaissance battle in Kingsbridge, New York, which forced the British troops back into the city. On the 15th August after excessive marching through extreme heat arrived in Philadelphia, and were immediately greeted with kisses, applause, and flowers and the American civilians new who they were immediately, and what they were planning to do. As the regiment arrived towards the city centre, flags of the two countries were flown and marched pass congress.


On 28 September, the regiment was one of the first to make the assault into Yorktown on the far left flank. The regiment opened the trenches on the night of October 6-7 1781, and on the 15th of the same month it vigorously repulsed a sortie. The regiment immediately occupied all the posts of its attack and inscribed upon its colours, a new victory "Yorktown, 1781". On the 14th the regiment took up quarters in Williamsburg, and in 1782 marched north to the Hudson, thence to Rhode Island, and Boston to where it embarked on the fleet of Louis-Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil, bound for the West Indies. Upon arrival back into France, the regiment was sent to Metz. During this period, the regiment was organised into the following structure : Compagnie des Grenadiers, Compagnie de Desondes, Compagnie du Plessis, Compagnie de Montfort, Compagnie de Losse, de Bayae, Compagnie de Cazals, Compagnie de la Brue, Compagnie du Chevalier, Compangnie de Chalvet, and the Compagnie de Chasseurs—Compagnie de Lassuderie.
In 1787 the fear of another war with Great Britain caused the regiment to move to Lisieux, but was sent back to Metz in December. In April 1791, the regiment was ordered to Strasbourg, lost their provincial title to become 13éme Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne , and shortly after assigned to the Army of the Rhine. Even though the Régiment de Bourbonnais lineage ended that year, its traditions were continued by the 13th which was dissolved by 1796. In 1803 Napoleon brought back the old regimental system and the 13th was re-instated with the lineage continuing from their predecessors.


Uniforms which the regiment was equipped with included:As part of the 1779 uniform regulations, the regiment was granted a crimson collar, cuffs and lapels and yellow buttons.

Regimental Colours

The Régiment de Bourbonnais maintained the same two colours or drapeaus throughout their existence, these included the Regimental Colours Drapeau d'Ordonnance and Colonel's Colours Drapeau Colonel.

Commanding Officers

Commanding officers of the regiment included: