Qingliang Temple (Nanjing)

Qingliang Temple, also known as
Stone Cooling Bodhimaṇḍa, literally means "cooling temple". The temple is located in Qingliangshan Park in the west of Nanjing City, Jiangsu, China.


The temple was formerly known as the Xingjiao Temple built by Xu Wen during Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. In the first year of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Jing spent the summer at this place and modified the name of the temple to "Stone Cooling Bodhimaṇḍa ".
Later, Li Yu left an inscription of "Deqing Hall" . Wenyi resides in this temple and builds Fayan school.
The temple was rebuilt in 980 during the period of Northern Song Dynasty. In 1402 was rebuilt by Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty and was renamed "Qingliang Temple." After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Second Sino-Japanese War, Cultural Revolution and other catastrophic damages. The temple was renovated in 2003 and opened in 2009.