Putative father registry

In the United States of America, the putative father registry is a state level legal option for unmarried men to document through a notary public any woman they engage with in intercourse, for the purpose of retaining parental rights for any child they may father.


In the United States, putative fathers will be notified when actions to terminate their parental rights as part of adoption proceedings are filed for a child they may have fathered and registered for.
Non-marital fathers are not guaranteed notice of an adoption or any rights in contesting the decision by the mother, nor are they guaranteed the ability to adopt or gain custody of the child. Typically, the father is only guaranteed notification, and the right to appear in court to testify about their child's best interests when he has registered timely. Registering timely with a state's putative father registry guarantees notice. Timely legal establishment of paternity typically guarantees notice and an opportunity to be heard and may confer rights to consent or withhold consent to adoption. Prenatal support of the mother and fetus assures recognition of parental rights in 34 states.
There is no federal law in place regulating putative father registries.
Among all signatory countries only the United States refuses to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child and registries are not regulated under the U.N. Charter. Currently 33 states in the U.S. have putative father registries. The number of children adopted without consent or notice to the biological father under the registry program started in the 1970s is unknown.
State putative father registries are intended to protect the non marital father from fraud by providing him with legal notice of a planned adoption of a child, provided he registers within a limited time-frame, usually any time prior to the birth or from 1 to 31 days after a birth.
Lack of knowledge of the pregnancy or birth is not an acceptable reason for failure to file; fraud by the birth mother typically does extend the father's time to register.
Some states require a putative father to file with multiple states, i.e. with the state possible conception might have occurred, state of residence and possible states the female might visit,
or relocate to after the possible conception date that also have putative father registries.
To be valid at least one state requires a parent or guardian of the declarant to also sign when a minor under the age of 18 is documenting intercourse with a putative father registry.
17 states, as well as American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, do not have putative father registries.

Also known as

Putative father registries are not always called such by individual states. Other names for registries include:
20 states with a putative father registry and registration forms publicly posted online:
13 states with a putative registry and no registration forms publicly posted online: