The show centers around the KoboldPumuckl, a descendant of the Klabautermänner. He is invisible to people around him except for chef Odessi with whom Pumuckl lives, since he left his friend master carpenter Eder during the events of the 1994 cinematric movie Pumuckl und der blaue Klabauter.
Pumuckl is the main protagonist of the series. He is invisible when other people than Odessi are around. He is still very cheeky and immature.
Odessi is now, after Meister Eder's death, the only human who is able to see Pumuckl. He is a chef on a ship. He is usually is from Munich, but decided to go to the sea. He also loves singing. His parents are from Sicily so he speaks Italian fluently and also sings all of his songs in Italian. His slogan is "Es kommt, wie es kommen muss.".
Willibald is an older mariner and Willibald's best human friend. He strictly believes in the position of the stars, a bit like Mrs. Eichinger from the first two seasons. He first does not believe in Pumuckl's existence, but after Pumuckl keeps untying his shoelace, he has to admit that he does exist. He also has a parrot called Lilalora, however, she is only able to say her name as well as "Aye aye Kapitän!" He quickly starts to like Pumuckl and when Odessi leaves, he is very upset and asks Odessi if he at least could leave Pumuckl on the ship, however, Pumuckl decides to stay with Odessi. One of his biggest wishes is to be able to see Pumuckl. So, in the end, Odessi decides to make a photo of Pumuckl. However, even on the photo he is only visible to Odessi, but not to Willibald. Willibald is very disappointed about that. He is performed by Wolfgang Völz
Paul is the ship's helmsman and operator. He is very keen in electronic stuff and even built an alarm system for the ship. He also loves taking photos. However, his weakness is his arrogance and impatience. Unlike Willibald, he refuses to believe in klabauters until the end. In the end however, even he gets emotional when Odessi leaves and hugs him.
Peter is the ship's captain. His first name gets revealed in the seventh episode. He has a daughter and granddaughter in Paris. He is performed by Hans Clarin, who also voices Pumuckl.
Corinna is Odessi's girlfriend. He met her in Hamburg. Her widowed grandma lives near the Tegernsee.
Hanno is Corinna's older brother. When Odessi first sees him, he thinks he is Corinna's boyfriend.
1. "Pumuckls allerschönster Traum" / "Pumuckl's most beautiful dream"
2. "Pumuckls luftige Reise" / "Pumuckl's journey in the air"