Puerto Rico Outgoing Committee on Government Transition

The Puerto Rico Outgoing Committee on Government Transition is one of the two ad hoc committees formed when the executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico must transition from one Governor to another. The Committee is composed of officials from the incumbent administration and is counterparted by the Incoming Committee.


Historically, the transition of government was carried out on the basis of what had been custom and tradition without formal regulation. This resulted in grants of contracts and auctions during the transition period, thus compromising the budget of the upcoming government.
Law No. 197 of 2002 declared by the 14th Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico thereafter established and regulated the transitioning process, and set forth which government officers shall be part of the Outgoing Committee.


The law establishes that certain government officials must be part of the Committee and allows the Governor to appoint up to three additional officials.
The required members include the following: