Public Administration (journal)

Public Administration is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal which covers research, theory, and practice in public administration, public policy, public organization theory, and public management. It was established in 1923 and was ranked in the top of its field by a 1983 survey. One of its founders was the Liberal and later Labour statesman Richard Haldane, and the journal awards an annual prize in his honour to the most distinguished practitioner essay published in Public Administration in that year. The journal is published by Wiley and is edited by Martin Lodge. From 1983-2011, the journal was edited by R. A. W. Rhodes.
According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2017 impact factor of 2.87, ranking it 17th out of 169 journals in the category "Political Science" and 9th out of 47 journals in the category "Public Administration".

Abstracting and Indexing

Public Administration is indexed by Scopus, the Social Sciences Citation Index, Inspec, InfoTrac, GEOBASE, ABI/INFORM Collection and others.