Psychrolutes microporos

Psychrolutes microporos is a species of deepwater marine fish in the family Psychrolutidae, commonly known as a blobfish or fathead. It is found in the abyssal zone in waters around Australia and New Zealand.


A specimen of Psychrolutes microporos was trawled by the RV James Cook in 1983 and described by Joseph Nelson in 1995. The holotype is in the Museum of New Zealand. Another specimen was collected at a depth of off the coast of New Zealand. Another specimen was collected in 2007 in the Tasman Sea at a depth of.


Psychrolutes microporos is a whitish colour and is flattened laterally. It has a wide mouth and a short, fleshy proboscis.


Psychrolutes microporos is found in the abyssal depths between the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Two specimens were collected in the month-long NORFANZ Expedition of 2003 which was examining the biodiversity of the seamounts and slopes of the Norfolk Ridge. They averaged 1.7 kg and were found in a single location.


The texture of Psychrolutes microporos's body is gelatinous, a feature often found in deep sea fish. Little is known of its behaviour because of the difficulty of observing it in its natural habitat. It is thought to be an ambush predator, consuming anything edible that comes within its reach.