Prosperity (Singaporean TV series)

Prosperity is a Singaporean Chinese family drama produced by MatrixVision, revolving around the lives of three sisters having their own families. It stars Hong Huifang, Aileen Tan, Priscelia Chan, Terence Cao, Tiffany Leong, Tracy Lee & Andie Chen as the casts of the series. It made its debut on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp Channel 8 on 10 January 2010 and ended on 11 February 2011. This drama serial consists of 22 episodes, and was screened on every weekday night at 9.00 pm.
This drama had made its rerun from 29 December 2011 and ended on 31 January 2012, at 5.30p.m.


Tang Aixin was on the brink of suicide after her husband's death. She met Lin Shunping, an ex-drug addict who lost his legs. Inspired by him, she pulled herself together and eventually married him. Together with their family, they live a contented life and were actively involved in community work.
Aixin's sisters were a discontented lot. Aili is a mercenary and extravagant braggart who looked down on the poor. She has a daughter, Janice, who is at loggerheads with her cousin, Lin Si'en since young. Aiming is the youngest of the trio. An ambitious woman, she places much emphasis on fame and wealth, giving much pressure to her husband, Tao Jinhan.


Note: There are no nominations for this drama in Star Awards 2012.
