Probing Lensing Anomalies Network

The Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork collaboration coordinates a network of telescopes to rapidly sample photometric measurements of the magnification of stars in the galactic bulge undergoing gravitational microlensing by intervening foreground stars. This network consists
of five 1m-class optical telescopes distributed in longitude around the southern hemisphere in order to perform quasi-continuous round-the-clock precision monitoring.
On a target-of-opportunity basis, less frequent spectroscopic measurements complement the rapid photometry for selected prime targets.
Since 2005, PLANET performs a common microlensing campaign with RoboNet-1.0, a network of UK-operated 2.0m robotic telescopes.
In January 2009, PLANET has merged with the MicroFUN collaboration.


For the 2006 observing season, the telescopes involved were :
As of late 2006, PLANET had 31 members from 11 countries: France, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.