Pro Lombardy Independence

Pro Lombardy Independence is an independentist party active in Lombardy, Italy.
The party, which was launched in 2011, is led by Alfredo Gatta. The spokesman is Alessandro Ceresoli, a municipal councillor in Roncadelle, province of Brescia.
The first objective of the party is the independence of the present-day Lombardy region, but it hopes for a unification of the 'Historical Lombardy', which in its eyes includes Emilia, the provinces of Novara and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and the commune of Tortona, and the 'Swiss Lombardia'.
According to its former president Giovanni Roversi, 'We don't want independence to build walls nor in opposition to other peoples: for us, a Sicilian is a European brother as is a citizen from Bavaria or from Galicia. We have an inclusive speech”.
The party is a member of the European Free Alliance.
