Prior of Rochester

The Prior of Rochester was the head of the Benedictine Priory of St. Andrew established at Rochester Cathedral in 1083. The priory was dissolved in 1540 and the last prior, Walter Phillips became the first Dean of the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
YearsNameAlternative spellingsNotesReferences
1083–1089–96OrdouvinOrdowinusWharton records Orduvin as mentioned in the Textus Roffensis and as having signed Gundulf's charter creating the priory on 20 September 1089.,
? – 1096ErnulphArnulfWharton records a charter as being signed by "Arnulfi Prioris Roffensis". Later Prior of Canterbury, Abbot of Peterborough then Bishop of Rochester., disputed by
1096–1107RalphRadulfusLater Abbot of Battle,,
1107–1115?Ordouvin ,,
1145?– 1146BrianBrien,,
1146?– 1154ReginaldObtained a confirmation of the privileges of Rochester from Pope Adrian IV in 1154,,
Ernulf II,
William Borstalle,,
SilvesterConfirmed by Pope Alexandro in 1178. Following a fire he rebuilt the refecorty, dormitory and three windows in the chapter house.,,
– 1182RichardWent to be Prior of Burton, Staffs,,
1182–1186AlfredBecame Prior of Abingdon in May 1186,,
1186 –Osbern de ScapeyaScapellaAuthor,,
1193?– 1208?Ralph de RosExpanded the priory, leaded the church roof.,,
1214?–1215EliasHeliasCompleted Ralph's work and further expansion,,
8 March 1215unnamedAppears in a legal case
1225–1239Richard de Derente,,
1239–1241William de Hoo,,
1241–1252Alexander de Glanville,,
– 1262Simon de ClyveHastead actually says 1622,,
– 1283John de RenhamRensham,,
– 1291Thomas de WouldhamSuthflete,,
1292–1294John de RenhamRensham,,
1294–1301Thomas de ShelfordShuldeford,,
1301–1314John de Greenstreet,
1314–1320Hamo de Hethe,
1320–1321John de Westerham,
1321–1333John de Speldherst,
1333–1352John de ScapeyaShepey,
1352–1361Robert de Suthflete,
1361–1380John de HertlepeHertley,
1380–1419John de SheppeyScapeya,
1419–1447William Tunbrygg,
1447–1448John Clyfe
1448 –John Cardone
Richard Pekham-
William WodWode,
Thomas Bourne
William Bishop,
1508 –William FrysellFresell,
Laurence Mereworth
– 1150Walter BoxleyPhilipsMonks adopted the name of their birthplace on entering the monastery to signify the break with their family. Boxley retook his family name of Philips after the dissolution.