Princess Resurrection is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasunori Mitsunaga. The manga was serialized in Monthly Shōnen Sirius magazine and published by Kodansha. A 26-episode anime series by Madhouse aired on TBS in 2007. Both the manga and anime are available in North America with the manga licensed by Del Rey Manga and the anime licensed by Sentai Filmworks and available on the Anime Network website. A new OVA series has been made by Tatsunoko Production with the first episode released in December 2010, along with the 13th volume of the manga, the second episode for the 14th volume, and the third episode for the 16th volume. A spin-off manga, Naqua-Den, which stars a side character from Princess Resurrection as the main character, was released in 2012 currently with two volumes. On November 25, 2017, a new manga, titled Princess Resurrection Nightmare, was released, though it hasn't been specified whether or not it is a sequel or a parallel world.
Hiro Hiyorimi is a boy who has just moved to the fictional Sasanaki Village to meet his sister who has been recently employed by a mysterious young woman who prefers being called "Hime". Hiro encounters Hime by chance when she and her short yet strong android bodyguard Flandre have arrived, getting himself killed in getting Hime out of harm's way of a speeding car. But Hiro suddenly finds himself alive, initially confused as he encounters Hime and unconsciously defends her during her fight with a werewolf. Hime explains that she is a member of the royal family of the Monster Realm which co-exists with the Earth-Realm, revealing her family possess the power to temporary revive the dead as half-immortals bound to serve and protect them. Despite her disinterest, Hime is caught in a war of succession among her siblings for the Monster Kingdom's throne. The story then follows Hiro helping Hime fend off her siblings' supernatural assassins as they are joined by a half-werewolf named Riza and the vampire Reiri, Hime's younger sister Sherwood with her android bodyguard Francisca as their neighbors.
Originally released in Japanese by Kodansha, Princess Resurrection has been released in English by Kodansha USA, in French by Pika Edition, and in German by Egmont.
Volume list
A 26-episode anime directed by Masayuki Sakoi and Madhouse aired on TBS, BS-i, KBS Kyoto and its affiliated TV networks from 12 April 2007 to 28 September 2007. Unlike the manga, the anime is less violent and the gore has been toned down. The OpeningTheme song was "BLOOD QUEEN" by Aki Misato and the Ending Theme song was "Bow Down and Lick My Feet" by Ali Project. The official soundtrack of the anime series is Princess Resurrection OST - Sympathy for the Belonephobia, which was released on 3 October 2007.
Original Sound Track
Princess Resurrection OST - Sympathy for the Belonephobia is the official soundtrack of the anime television series Princess Resurrection, was released on 3 October 2007.
Track list
Note: Most part of the list is written in Romaji.
Suspandu Otome
Jigoku no Kyuuketsu Parade
Chinure Yajuu Bukyoku
Saturnus no Sangeki
Butou Kumo Midnight
Insomnia no Yume Guilliotine
Outeki Ketsuzoku
Bokusatsu Rock
Beronephobia ni Sasageru Ballad
Mikadzuki no Kaibutsu Teien
Tokeijikake no Seibozou
Hakai Conductor
Igyou no Sadame
Kichiku Odoru Fukaki Mori
Beronephobia no Bansankai
Rouzaiku no Ragtime
Hisamadzuite Ashi wo Oname
Kizuguchi ni Hasami wo Tatete
Saraba Itoshiki Chainsaw
Owari naki Sousoukyoku
Tenshi Ronsha no Serenade
Tou Hikari, Aru wa Sono Hoteri
Kakusei Beronephobia
666 Banme no Genzai
Shukumei ni Aragaishi Mono
Zenmetsu Hakaba Yori Ai wo Komete
BLOOD QUEEN / Misato Aki
Hisamadzuite Ashi wo Oname
In Jason Thompson's online appendix to , he describes the series' plot as being "fun and fast-paced", with "imaginative" action scenes. He also appreciated the manga's references to "classic movie monsters".