Prince of Coolavin

Prince of Coolavin was a title first applied by popular usage to Charles MacDermot, 1707–1758, then head of the MacDermot family of Moylurg. Coolavin is a barony in south County Sligo in Ireland. Up to the late 16th century the head of the family were still Kings of Moylurg, but had lost their lands due to confiscation.
The adoption of the term indicated that the family considered themselves "princes", and also considered as such by their neighbours. The title has continued to be used by the head of the family to denote royal heritage, the current incumbent being Rory MacDermot, ninth of the MacDermots to be so styled.

Title holders

The Princess Royal or Miss 'MacDermot was a tune by the Irish harpist Turlough O'Carolan. The tune was adopted for the sea shanty The Saucy Arethusa which was performed at the Theatre Royal in London in 1796. While some attribute The Saucy Aruthesa to the composer William Shield, others have attributed the adaptation to the playwright Prince Hoare.
A film, titled Heroes and Princes, was produced by the children of St. Aiden's National School, Monasteraden and celebrates the MacDermots of Collavin. It includes a composition title The Prince's March.