Prince Abo

Prince Abo was a Japanese imperial prince of the early Heian period.


He was born in 792 in Kyoto. His parents were Emperor Heizei and Fujii no Fujiko.
Following the Kusuko Incident of 810, in which he was complicit, he was exiled to Dazaifu in modern Fukuoka Prefecture, where he was made Deputy Governor of Dazaifu. In 824, at the beginning of the Tenchō era, he received a pardon and was allowed return to the Capital.
In 826, his sons Yukihira, Narihira—both prominent poets— Morihira and Nakahira were given the surname Ariwara. Among his other children was the scholar and poet Ōe no Otondo.
The Jōwa Incident, an 842 rebellion plot, was uncovered thanks to an anonymous report by Prince Abo. He died in the same year, on the twenty-second day of the tenth month.

Family tree