President Obiang Nguema International Airport

President Obiang Nguema International Airport, is an airport located southwest of the town of Mengomeyén, in the mainland province of Wele-Nzas, Equatorial Guinea. The airport is named after Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has been president of Equatorial Guinea since 1979.
The airport is the latest airport to be built in Equatorial Guinea and is the fifth international airport serving Equatorial Guinea, and is designed to connect the nation's geographically isolated areas such as Annobón and Corisco to the main population centers.


The new airport took 72 months to complete and was fully funded by the Government of Equatorial Guinea, costing over 190 billion CFA francs. It is one of many recent government initiatives intended to promote economic and infrastructure development throughout the region.


The airport was inaugurated on Equatorial Guinea's Independence Day, 12 October 2012. The inauguration was presided over by President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and his wife Constancia Mangue, with the attendance of the President of the Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, Manuel Pinto da Costa, guest of honour of the celebrations of independence. During the inauguration the Minister of Civil Aviation Fausto Abeso Fuma claimed the new airport is the best equipped, not only of Equatorial Guinea, but of Central Africa.


The airport resides at an elevation of with its longest runway long, which does not include a displaced threshold on Runway 36. The runway can handle aircraft in the Boeing 747-400 class.
The airport has three turning loops, a parking esplanade of over, an access road, drinking water supply, fire safety, new-generation navigation equipment, etc.
The Mongomeyen VOR-DME is located just north of the field.