Prefectural Earth Defense Force
Prefectural Earth Defense Force is a Japanese manga series by Kōichirō Yasunaga which ran in Shōnen Sunday Zōkan beginning in 1983. The manga was written as a parody gag manga inspired by the tokusatsu series Ultra Seven. An anime OVA based on the manga was released in 1986. The anime was released on DVD in North America by ADV Films on April 18, 2006.Summary
The evil secret society known as the Telephone Pole Gang seeks to take over the world by first taking over a certain prefecture on Kyūshū. In order to thwart the evil plans of the Telephone Pole Gang, Imazuru High School creates the Prefectural Earth Defense Force, composed of problem teachers and students from the school. They are also joined by a cyborg transfer student from India.
The Telephone Pole Gang is commanded by Chilthonian. His staff includes Ryūko Harataki, also known as Colonel Baradagi, who has taken on the role of a student at Imazuru High School, and Karmi, a transfer student from India.Manga
There are four volumes collecting this story.
;Original release