Postal codes in Iraq

In 2004 a new postal code system was introduced in Iraq.
Iraqi Post has developed a comprehensive Postal Code numbering system that will ensure more efficient mail sorting and accuracy of delivery of your correspondence. The new postal system was rededicated in 2004. The system is numeric and utilizes five digits that correspond to the Region, governorate as well as the post office within that governorate.
Mail Address Format:
Recipients Name
Company Name
PO Box # or Street Address
City*, Province
Postal Code

Codes by governorates

governoratecode range
Al Anbar Governorate31
Al Basrah Governorate61
Al Muthanna Governorate66
Al Najaf Governorate54
Al Quadisiya Governorate58
Al Sulaymaniah Governorate46
Al Ta'amim Governorate36
Erbil Governorate44
Babil Governorate51
Baghdad Governorate10
Dahouk Governorate42
Deyala Governorate32
Karbala Governorate56
Maysan Governorate62
Mosul Governorate / Nainawa Governorate41
Salah Al Deen Governorate34
Thi Qar Governorate64
Wasit Governorate52