Postal codes in Ghana

Postal codes were adopted in Ghana on 18 October 2017, following the launch of the National Digital Address System. As a joint venture between Ghana Post and Vokacom Ltd as GhanaPost GPS, the Digital Address System assigned postal codes and unique addresses to every square in Ghana.
Ghana's postal codes are alphanumeric. The first two characters form the postcode district - the first letter represents the region, and the second character represents the district in which the address is located. The next three to five digits represent the postcode area and identify a more precise location within area.
Together, the postcode district and postcode area form the postal code. For example, the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park & Mausoleum in Accra is located in postal code GA184, where GA represents the postcode district - G for the Greater Accra Region and A for the Accra Metropolitan District - and 184 represents the postcode area.
Examples of postal codes are GA107, EO1070, and N503074.


The postal codes are alphanumeric and are variable in length, ranging from five to seven characters. In general, five-digit postal codes denote metropolitan districts and major urban areas, six-digit postal codes denote municipal districts and peri-urban areas, and seven-digit postal codes denote ordinary districts and small towns.
Each postal code is divided into two parts: the postcode district and postcode area. The center of each postcode district falls within the district capital and is designated as postcode area "000". For example, postal code GA000 denotes the center of postcode district GA within Accra, the district capital of the Accra Metropolitan district, and corresponds to the 5 meter square area around the Jubilee House.
Postcode areas are numbered sequentially and spiral out anticlockwise from the center of the postcode district, with sequential postcode areas located 500 meters apart. For example, postal code GA008, which corresponds to the area of the 37 Military Hospital in Accra is 500 meters from GA009 and suggests proximity to the center of the district - proximity to postal code GA000.
Postcode Districts
[|Ashanti Region] [|Brong Ahafo Region] [|Central Region] [|Eastern Region] Greater Accra Region [|Northern Region] [|Upper East Region] [|Upper West Region] [|Volta Region] [|Western Region]

Ashanti RegionAAAsante Akim South DistrictJuaso
Ashanti RegionABBekwai Municipal DistrictBekwai
Ashanti RegionACAsante Akim Central Municipal DistrictKonongo
Ashanti RegionADKwabre East DistrictMamponteng
Ashanti RegionAEEjisu Juaben Municipal DistrictEjisu
Ashanti RegionAFAfigya Kwabre DistrictKodie
Ashanti RegionAGAtwima Kwanwoma DistrictAtwima Foase
Ashanti RegionAHAtwima Nwabiagya DistrictNkawie
Ashanti RegionAIAtwima Mponua DistrictNyinahin
Ashanti RegionAJEjura Sekyedumase Municipal DistrictEjura
Ashanti RegionAKKumasi Metropolitan DistrictKumasi
Ashanti RegionAMMampong Municipal DistrictMampong
Ashanti RegionANAsante Akim North DistrictAgogo
Ashanti RegionAOObuasi Municipal DistrictObuasi
Ashanti RegionAPSekyere Afram Plains DistrictDrobonso
Ashanti RegionAQSekyere Central District
Ashanti RegionARSekyere East DistrictEffiduase
Ashanti RegionASAsokore Mampong Municipal District
Ashanti RegionATBosomtwe DistrictKuntanase
Ashanti RegionAUKumawu DistrictKumawu
Ashanti RegionAVAmansie Central DistrictJacobu
Ashanti RegionAWAmansie West DistrictManso Nkwanta
Ashanti RegionAXAhafo Ano North DistrictTepa
Ashanti RegionAYAhafo Ano South DistrictMankranso
Ashanti RegionAZSekyere South DistrictAgona
Ashanti RegionA2Adansi North DistrictFomena
Ashanti RegionA3Adansi South DistrictNew Edubiase
Ashanti RegionA4, A9Bosome Freho DistrictAsiwa
Ashanti RegionA6Offinso North DistrictAkomadan
Ashanti RegionA7Offinso South Municipal DistrictNew Offinso
Brong Ahafo RegionBAAtebubu-Amantin DistrictAtebubu
Brong Ahafo RegionBBBerekum Municipal DistrictBerekum
Brong Ahafo RegionBCBanda DistrictBanda Ahenkro
Brong Ahafo RegionBDDormaa Municipal DistrictDormaa-Ahenkro
Brong Ahafo RegionBEDormaa East DistrictWamfie
Brong Ahafo RegionBFDormaa West DistrictNkrankwanta
Brong Ahafo RegionBGSene East DistrictKajaji
Brong Ahafo RegionBHSene West DistrictKwame Danso
Brong Ahafo RegionBIJaman South DistrictDrobo
Brong Ahafo RegionBJJaman North DistrictSampa
Brong Ahafo RegionBKKintampo North Municipal DistrictKintampo
Brong Ahafo RegionBLKintampo South DistrictJema
Brong Ahafo RegionBNNkoranza North DistrictBusunya
Brong Ahafo RegionBONkoranza South Municipal DistrictNkoranza
Brong Ahafo RegionBPPru DistrictYeji
Brong Ahafo RegionBQAsutifi North DistrictKenyasi
Brong Ahafo RegionBRAsutifi South DistrictHwidiem
Brong Ahafo RegionBSSunyani Municipal DistrictSunyani
Brong Ahafo RegionBTTechiman Municipal DistrictTechiman
Brong Ahafo RegionBUAsunafo North Municipal DistrictGoaso
Brong Ahafo RegionBVAsunafo South DistrictKukuom
Brong Ahafo RegionBWWenchi Municipal DistrictWenchi
Brong Ahafo RegionBXTechiman North DistrictTuobodom
Brong Ahafo RegionBYSunyan West DistrictOdomase
Brong Ahafo RegionBZTain DistrictNsawkaw
Brong Ahafo RegionB2Tano North DistrictDuayaw-Nkwanta
Brong Ahafo RegionB3Tano South DistrictBechem
Central RegionCAAbura Asebu Kwamankese DistrictDunkwa
Central RegionCBAsikuma Odoben Brakwa DistrictBreman Asikuma
Central RegionCCCape Coast Metropolitan DistrictCape Coast
Central RegionCEEffutu Municipal DistrictWinneba
Central RegionCFEkumfi DistrictEssarkyir
Central RegionCGGomoa East DistrictAfransi
Central RegionCHTwifo Heman Lower Denkyira DistrictHeman
Central RegionCIGomoa West DistrictApam
Central RegionCJAjumako Enyan Esiam DistrictAjumako
Central RegionCKKomenda Edina Eguafo Municipal DistrictElmina
Central RegionCMMfantseman Municipal DistrictSaltpond
Central RegionCOAgona West Municipal DistrictSwedru
Central RegionCPAgona East DistrictNsaba
Central RegionCRAssin North Municipal DistrictAssin Fosu
Central RegionCSAssin South DistrictNsuaem-Kyekyewere
Central RegionCTTwifo-Ati Morkwa DistrictTwifo Praso
Central RegionCUUpper Denkyira East Municipal DistrictDunkwa-on-Offin
Central RegionCVUpper Denkyira West DistrictDiaso
Central RegionCWAwutu Senya DistrictAwutu Breku
Central RegionCXAwutu Senya East Municipal DistrictKasoa
Eastern RegionEAAsuogyaman DistrictAtimpoku
Eastern RegionEBBirim Central Municipal DistrictAkim Oda
Eastern RegionEDDenkyembour DistrictAkwatia
Eastern RegionEEEast Akim Municipal DistrictKibi
Eastern RegionEFFanteakwa DistrictBegoro
Eastern RegionEGNsawam Adoagyiri Municipal DistrictNsawam
Eastern RegionEHKwahu East DistrictAbetifi
Eastern RegionEIKwahu South DistrictMpreaso
Eastern RegionEJKwahu West Municipal DistrictNkawkaw
Eastern RegionEKKwaebibirem DistrictKade
Eastern RegionELLower Manya Krobo Municipal DistrictOdumase
Eastern RegionEMAkyemansa DistrictOfoase
Eastern RegionENNew Juaben Municipal DistrictKoforidua
Eastern RegionEOAyensuano DistrictCoaltar
Eastern RegionEPKwahu Afram Plains North DistrictDonkorkrom
Eastern RegionEQKwahu Afram Plains South DistrictTease
Eastern RegionESSuhum Municipal DistrictSuhum
Eastern RegionETAtiwa DistrictKwabeng
Eastern RegionEUUpper Manya Krobo DistrictAsesewa
Eastern RegionEVUpper West Akim DistrictAdeiso
Eastern RegionEWWest Akim Municipal DistrictAsamankese
Eastern RegionEXBirim North DistrictNew Abirim
Eastern RegionEYYilo Krobo Municipal DistrictSomanya
Eastern RegionEZBirim South DistrictAkim Swedru
Eastern RegionE2Akuapem North Municipal DistrictAkropong
Eastern RegionE3Akuapem South DistrictAburi
Greater Accra RegionGAAccra Metropolitan DistrictNorth Ridge - GA015 - GA017, GA028 - GA031, GA052 - GA054, GA076, GA080

West Ridge - GA050, GA051, GA077, GA107

Gold Coast City - GA078, GA079, GA110, GA111

Osu - GA032, GA035, GA055, GA056, GA081, GA082, GA112 - GA115, GA146 - 148

Victoriaborg - GA143 - GA145, GA184 - GA186

Asylum Down - GA027, GA028, GA048, GA049, GA073

Adabraka - GA050, GA074 - GA076, GA100 - GA103

Tudu - GA105, GA106, GA141, GA142
Greater Accra RegionGBAshaiman Municipal DistrictAshaiman, Tema communities 21 and 22
Greater Accra RegionGCGa Central Municipal DistrictSowutuom
Greater Accra RegionGDAdentan Municipal DistrictAdenta
Greater Accra RegionGEGa East Municipal DistrictAbokobi
Greater Accra RegionGKKpone Katamanso DistrictKpone, Oyibi, Tema communities 24 and 25
Greater Accra RegionGLLa Dade Kotopon Municipal DistrictLa, Labadi, Cantonments, Burma Camp, Airport City
Greater Accra RegionGMLa Nkwantanang Madina Municipal DistrictMadina
Greater Accra RegionGNNingo Prampram DistrictPrampram
Greater Accra RegionGOShai Osudoku DistrictDodowa
Greater Accra RegionGSGa South Municipal DistrictWeija
Greater Accra RegionGTTema Metropolitan DistrictTema communities 1 - 20, 23
Greater Accra RegionGWGa West Municipal DistrictAmasaman
Greater Accra RegionGXAda West DistrictSege
Greater Accra RegionGZLedzokuku-Krowor Municipal DistrictTeshie, Nungua, Baatsona
Northern RegionNAKpandai DistrictKpandai
Northern RegionNBBole DistrictBole, Bamboi, Maluwe, Tinga, Tasilma, Mandari, Banda/Nkwanta
Northern RegionNCChereponi DistrictChereponi
Northern RegionNDWest Mamprusi DistrictWalewale
Northern RegionNEEast Mamprusi DistrictGambaga
Northern RegionNFTatale Sanguli DistrictTatale
Northern RegionNGGushegu DistrictGushegu
Northern RegionNIMion DistrictSang
Northern RegionNKKumbugu DistrictKumbugu
Northern RegionNLTolon DistrictTolon
Northern RegionNMMamprugu Moaduri DistrictYagaba
Northern RegionNNNanumba North DistrictBimbilla
Northern RegionNONanumba South DistrictWulensi
Northern RegionNPBunkpurugu-Yunyoo DistrictBunkpurugu
Northern RegionNRKaraga DistrictKaraga
Northern RegionNSSagnerigu DistrictSagnerigu
Northern RegionNTTamale Metropolitan DistrictTamale
Northern RegionNUSavelugu Nanton Municipal DistrictSavelugu
Northern RegionNWSawla Tuna Kalba DistrictSawla
Northern RegionNXSaboba DistrictSaboba
Northern RegionNYYendi Municipal DistrictYendi
Northern RegionNZZabzugu DistrictZabzugu
Northern RegionN2North Gonja DistrictDaboya
Northern RegionN3Central Gonja DistrictBuipe
Northern RegionN4East Gonja DistrictSalaga
Northern RegionN5West Gonja DistrictDamongo
Upper East RegionUABawku Municipal DistrictBawku
Upper East RegionUBBolgatanga Municipal DistrictBolgatanga Municipal District
Upper East RegionUEBolgatanga East DistrictBolgatanga East District
Upper East RegionUGGaru Tempane DistrictGaru
Upper East RegionUKKassena Nankana Municipal DistrictNavrongo
Upper East RegionULKassena Nankana West DistrictPaga
Upper East RegionUNNabdam DistrictNangodi
Upper East RegionUOBongo DistrictBongo
Upper East RegionUPPusiga DistrictPusiga
Upper East RegionURBuilsa North DistrictSandema
Upper East RegionUSBuilsa South DistrictFumbisi
Upper East RegionUTTalensi DistrictTongo
Upper East RegionUUBinduri DistrictBinduri
Upper East RegionUWBawku West DistrictZebilla
Upper West RegionXDDaffiama Bussie Issa DistrictIssa
Upper West RegionXJJirapa DistrictJirapa
Upper West RegionXKLambussi Karni DistrictLambussi
Upper West RegionXLLawra DistrictLawra
Upper West RegionXNNandom DistrictNandom
Upper West RegionXONadowli Kaleo DistrictNadowli
Upper West RegionXSSissala East DistrictTumu
Upper West RegionXTSissala West DistrictGwollu
Upper West RegionXWWa Municipal DistrictWa
Upper West RegionXXWa East DistrictFunsi
Upper West RegionXYWa West DistrictWechiau
Volta RegionVAAdaklu DistrictAdaklu Waya
Volta RegionVBBiakoye DistrictNkonya
Volta RegionVCHohoe Municipal DistrictHohoe
Volta RegionVDNorth Dayi Municipal DistrictAnfoega
Volta RegionVESouth Dayi DistrictKpeve
Volta RegionVFAfadzato South DistrictVe Golokwati
Volta RegionVGAgotime Ziope DistrictKpetoe
Volta RegionVHHo Municipal DistrictHo
Volta RegionVIHo West DistrictDzolokpuita
Volta RegionVJJasikan DistrictJasikan
Volta RegionVKKeta Municipal DistrictKeta
Volta RegionVMKadjebi DistrictKadjebi
Volta RegionVNNkwanta North DistrictKpassa
Volta RegionVONkwanta South DistrictNkwanta
Volta RegionVPKpando Municipal DistrictKpando
Volta RegionVQKrachi Nchumuru DistrictChindiri
Volta RegionVRKrachi East DistrictDambai
Volta RegionVSKrachi West DistrictKete Krachi
Volta RegionVTNorth Tongu DistrictBattor Dugame
Volta RegionVUSouth Tongu DistrictSogakope
Volta RegionVVCentral Tongu DistrictAdidome
Volta RegionVWAkatsi North DistrictAve Dakpa
Volta RegionVXAkatsi South DistrictAkatsi
Volta RegionVYKetu North DistrictDzodze
Volta RegionVZKetu South Municipal DistrictDenu
Western RegionWAAowin DistrictEnchi
Western RegionWBBibiani/Anhwiaso/Bekwai DistrictBibiani
Western RegionWCBia East DistrictAdabokrom
Western RegionWDBia West DistrictEssam
Western RegionWEEllembelle DistrictNkroful
Western RegionWFSefwi Akontombra DistrictAkontombra
Western RegionWGSefwi Wiawso Municipal DistrictWiawso
Western RegionWHAhanta West DistrictAgona Ahanta
Western RegionWJJomoro DistrictHalf Assini
Western RegionWMMpohor DistrictMpohor
Western RegionWNNzema East Municipal DistrictAxim
Western RegionWOBodi DistrictBodi
Western RegionWPPrestea Huni Valley DistrictPrestea
Western RegionWQJuaboso DistrictJuaboso
Western RegionWRShama DistrictShama
Western RegionWSSekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan DistrictSekondi-Takoradi
Western RegionWTTarkwa Nsuaem Municipal DistrictTarkwa
Western RegionWUSuaman DistrictDadieso
Western RegionWWAmenfi Central DistrictManso Amenfi
Western RegionWXAmenfi East DistrictWassa-Akropong
Western RegionWYAmenfi West DistrictAsankrangwa
Western RegionWZWassa East DistrictDaboase

Availability of the algorithm

The list of frequently asked questions, as of December 2017, does not state if/where the algorithm for generating the postcodes is publicly available, or how the algorithm is licensed. It is also not stated if/how bulk conversion of coordinates into postcodes is possible. This suggests that, at least at present, the algorithm is likely proprietary. This is a feature also of other postcode systems, although open postcode systems are also available.