Postage stamps and postal history of Nepal

This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Nepal. Nepal has issued postal stamps since 1881.

First stamps

The first Nepalese postage stamps were issued in April 1881 as a set of three which were valued at one anna, two annas, and four annas, inscribed as the Kingdom of Gorkha in Nepali script. These were initially perforated and printed on European-made paper. Within a few months they were released imperforate. In 1886 they were reprinted on hand-made Nepalese paper. Numerous printings of these first three values on the local paper were made for postal use until 1907, when new European-manufactured stamps picturing the god Pashupati were issued.
The remainders of first three values were brought out of storage and reissued for telegraph use in 1917. Several more telegraph era printings followed. The last of these printings was in 1929.
of Nepal for court fees

UPU membership

Nepal became a member of the Universal Postal Union on 11 October 1956 which became effective from 14 April 1959.