Positivity effect

The positivity effect is the ability to constructively analyze a situation where the desired results are not achieved; but still obtain positive feedback that assists our future progression.

In attribution

The positivity effect relates to the habits and characteristics of people, when evaluating the causes of the behaviors of a person, to the distinction to the person's inherent disposition as the cause of their positive behaviors and the situations surrounding them as the potential cause of their negative behaviors.

In perception

On online social networks like Twitter and Instagram, users prefer to share positive news, and are emotionally affected by positive news more than twice than by negative news.
Some Instagram users use the app to spread positivity to others, and in doing so, they themselves are left feeling happier. Not only does positivity in social media affect the person being encouraged through comments, but also the person writing the encouraging comments.
According to the research recorded by Dan Zarella, the more positive a person is on social media, the more followers they will get because "users become less engaged when content on their feed becomes more negative". So, when someone posts a lot of positive things, it makes people want to be a part of their social media presence. People on social media seek out positivity.

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