Porto Ferreira

Porto Ferreira is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. It is situated on the Mojiguaçu River at an altitude of 559 meters. The population is 54,761 in an area of 244.9 km².


The valley where Porto Ferreira now lies used to be inhabited by Payaguá people. The settlement Porto Ferreira on the Mojiguaçu River was founded in the 1860s, at the place of a ferry. It was named Ferreira after the ferryman João Inácio Ferreira. The settlement grew because of its strategic location on the way to the coffee plantations in the region of Ribeirão Preto. Porto Ferreira was officially established on 9 February 1888, as a part of the municipality Descalvado. It was detached from Descalvado and attached to Pirassununga on 1 October 1892. It became an independent municipality on 29 July 1896.


Data of the Census - 2010
Total population: 58.797
Per capita income: U$$3879,56
Urbanization rate: 96.61%
Annual Population Growth rate: 1.86%
Number of hospital beds: 45
Population that has access:
Source: IBGE


The highest point of the city is the High Mount, with 798 meters. The lowest point is the Island of the Ducks, with 545 meters. In the Railroad station the altitude is of 549.7 meters above sea level.
The municipality holds the Porto Ferreira State Park, created in 1987.


annual average
The general city landscape is plain, with small hills, slightly inclined towards the basins of the Moji Guaçu river and its tributaries. To the north, is possible to figure some mountains.

Ways of Communication

The city is served by two state highways, Rodovia Anhangüera, SP 215.
There are also the deactivated rails from the former state railroad company, FEPASA.


Four types of soil are found, thus distributed for the area of the city: Yellow Red Latosol, Purple Latosol, Hidromórfico and Dark Red Latosol.
