
PopPixie is an Italian animated miniseries created by Iginio Straffi. Its only season aired on Rai 2 for just over two months, from 10 January to 22 March 2011. The show features a cast of pixies, who were first introduced as secondary characters in the second season of Winx Club. PopPixie is otherwise unconnected to Winx Club, and it is aimed at younger viewers than its predecessor, with an intended audience of 4 to 6-year-olds.
The miniseries was first announced in May 2009, and its first episode was previewed at MIPCOM. After Nickelodeon became a co-developer of the main Winx Club series, the company announced that PopPixie would air on its global network of channels beginning in late 2011.
PopPixie is set in a small village called Pixieville, inhabited by creatures like pixies, elves, and gnomes. The village is fed from the Tree of Life, an ancient tree that provides the Pixies' MagicPops, globes that contain good magic related to a pixie's special talent. Each Pixie has a special talent and when they use it for the benefit of others and in the right way, they will receive a MagicPop and becomes a PopPixie.



Amore: She owns the Love Shop, which is the only shop to be specialized in love potions and spells in Pixieville. She is the Pixie of Feelings. Her assistants are Otis, a purple Pixie Hippopotamus, and an unnamed owl.
Caramel: She runs the most famous bakery in Pixieville, the Molly Moo, and her MagicPop gives her incredible strength. She is the Pixie of Super Strength and the twin sister of Martino. Her assistant is Tina, a Pixie Pig who is very greedy and keeps on eating too much from Caramel's bakery.
Chatta: Chatta is the Pixie of Gossip, and uses her gossip as a means of defending herself as well as of attacking her enemies.
Cherie: She is the richest pixie of Pixieville, and is the Pixie of Weather. Her MagicPop gives her the power of controlling the Weather,and her assistant is Lulù, an elegant and very efficient cat.
Fixit: He is the Pixie of Technomagic, and works at the Toy Shop of the Gnome Augustus, where he uses his talent to make incredible toys. His MagicPop gives him extraordinary intelligence which he uses to make unique inventions combining magic and Technomagic.
Digit: He is also the Pixie of Technomagic. His MagicPop gives him the power to using Technology. Digit was changed to a boy in PopPixie
Livy: He is the Pixie of messages in Winx Club but in Pop Pixie his MagicPop gives him the ability to be super fast. Livy was changed to a boy as well.
Lockette: Her MagicPop gives her the power to open magical passages and find everything which is hidden. She is the Pixie of Thresholds. She works at the Pixie Plaza, the most famous hotel in Pixieville.
Martino: He is the barman at the Molly Moo, his twin sister Caramel's bakery. His MagicPop gives him the power of doing incredible acrobatics, balancing and extraordinary strength. He is the Pixie of Acrobatic Feats.
Pam: She works at the most famous hair salon in Pixieville. Her MagicPop makes it very fast. Her assistant is a hedgehog named Bamboo.
Piff: She is the Pixie of Sweet Sleep, and has a rabbit for companion. She is able to talk in Pop Pixie, as opposed to Winx Club, where she only makes noises like little babies. Although, Piff could be able to talk in later parts of the series.
Glim: Like Piff, Glim is a baby and can't talk, mumbling in Babytalk, like Piff as well. Her suit lights up when she wants, resembling a Firefly. In PopPixie, Glim became a boy and his MagicPop grants him the power to manipulate electrokinesis.
Tune: She is the Pop Pixie of Vocal Power and her MagicPop gives her the power to be Good and to even cry very sharply. Gunnar, a squirrel.
Kara: She is the Pop Pixie of Creation. With a swipe of her paint brush, she can create almost anything. Her best and childhood friend is Chatta, the pop pixie of gossip. Her helper is her pet mouse, Simone.


Floxy is an Elf with special talent for spiteful tricks and bad jokes. He is not particularly intelligent and is the most immature of the Elves. There is nothing that he takes seriously and since his organisational skills are nil, he follows Rex faithfully. Floxy is both lazy and greedy. He loves cakes more than money. Floxy's animal friend is Billo the polecat.
Lenny is whacky and loves taking risks for the sake of excitement, reckless and irresponsible. Although he is unpredictable and independent, he is always the first to follow Rex and Yucca in some new raid on Pixieville. Lenny's partner in crime is Wolfgang the wolf.
Maxine is very malicious and is the dominating personality of the couple with Rex. As the meanie of the elves, she uses all her charm to keep Rex firmly where she wants him. As Rex is a model for the boy Elves, Maxine is the role model for girl Elves. The Animal who accompanies Maxine is Rodrigo the cobra.
Narcissa is equally lazy and quirky. She dreams of living the life of a great lady, something that Floxy cannot give her. Narcissa pushes Floxy to be better than the others and this often lands her fiancé in situations that she doesn't know how to get out of. For Narcissa this is a very painful situation and she reacts in all the wrong ways, feeling inferior to her friends who have better male partners than she has. Narcissa has a crocodile called Lucilla who is just lazy and tetchy as she is.
Rex is an arrogant and haughty Elf who has a big opinion of himself. He admires Maxine and thinks that the rest of the world is not worthy of his attention. Compared to the others, Rex has a more mature and criminal side to his character which often frightens even his companions. This aspect of his character particularly appeals to Maxine, his fiancé who is very ambitious. The Animal who accompanies Rex is the tiger Cleopatra.
Yucca is the fiancé of Lenny. Yucca is the prettiest and frivolous and adores extreme shopping.
Anytime is right to show and she and Lenny make their nights out with the gang an event to be remembered. Yucca 's animal friend is Tito, a bat who loves the night life. Tito sleeps all day but is a "party" animal at night.


Augustus: He is the owner of the Toy Shop where Fixit works. Though Fixit made his shop successful, Augustus is always trying to find a way to cut Fixit's salary.
Grind: He runs the Pixieville Bank. No one has ever seen him smile or give out a loan.
Rollo: He runs the Pixie Plaza, which is the most famous hotel in Pixieville and where Lockette works.
Ronf: He is the laziest Gnome of Pixieville, and is married to an energetic Gnome named Nella. He always wants to sleep.


The animals have an active part in the society, just like the Pixies and the Gnomes. They have a job and the same rights as the other citizens of Pixieville.
Unlike the Pixies and the Gnomes, they live in lairs and in the houses of the forest community in the forest around Pixieville. They like to be cuddled.
They never do bad things like the elves, but neither do dishonest things.


No.Italian Title
English Title
Italian air date