Pongal (dish)

Pongal or Huggi is a popular South Indian rice dish. In Tamil "pongal" means "bubbling up". In Telugu and Kannada Pongali is a dish of rice mixed with boiled milk and sugar. Huggi is derived from the Old Kannada word Puggi meaning "bubbled up, ballooned"
The two varieties of Pongal are chakarai Pongal which is sweet, and venn Pongal, which is made from clarified butter. The word Pongal generally refers to spicy venn pongal and is a common breakfast food. Chakarai Pongal is made during the Pongal festival.


Chakarai Pongal

Chakarai Pongal or Chakkara Pongali is generally prepared in temples as a prasadam,. This type of pongal is made during the Pongal festival in Tamil Nadu and during Sankranthi festival in Andhra Pradesh.
Ingredients can include rice, coconut and mung bean. Chakarai Pongal is often sweetened with jaggery, which gives pongal a brown color, though it can be sweetened with white sugar instead.

Venn Pongal

Venn Pongal is a popular savory dish in Tamil, Sri Lankan and other South Indian homes and is typically served as a special breakfast especially in Tamil Nadu and Northern and Eastern Sri Lanka. It is usually served with Sambar and coconut Chutney.

Melagu Pongal

Melagu Pongal is a spicy variant of the same dish made with pepper, rice and moong daal.

Puli Pongal

Puli Pongal is a variant made with tamarind and boiled rice. It is not specifically associated with the Pongal festival and is often eaten for dinner.

Festive importance

Pongal is prepared as an important dish during Pongal festival in Tamil Nadu and Sankranthi festival in Andhra Pradesh.