Polyalthia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Annonaceae. There are approximately 90 species distributed from Africa to Asia and the Pacific.
These are trees and shrubs. The flower has six petals in two whorls, the inner petals curving inward over the centre.
This large genus was known to be polyphyletic, with many species having being separated and reassigned to other genera. Species have also been transferred into this genus.Plants of the World Online currently includes the following as accepted:
- Polyalthia angustissima Ridl.
- Polyalthia barenensis Bân
- Polyalthia borneensis Merr.
- Polyalthia bracteosa Bân
- Polyalthia bromantha I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia brunneifolia J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia bullata King
- Polyalthia castanea Ridl.
- Polyalthia cauliflora Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia celebica Miq.
- Polyalthia charitopoda I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia chinii I.M.Turner & Utteridge
- Polyalthia chrysotricha Ridl.
- Polyalthia cinnamomea Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia clemensiorum Jovet-Ast
- Polyalthia consanguinea Merr.
- Polyalthia corticosa Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia debilis Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia dictyoneura Diels
- Polyalthia dolichopoda I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia dumosa King
- Polyalthia elegans K.Schum. & Lauterb.
- Polyalthia elliptica Blume
- Polyalthia endertii D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia evecta Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia flagellaris Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia fruticosa B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia gamopetala Boerl. ex Koord.-Schum.
- Polyalthia gracilicolumnaris H.Okada, Tsukaya & Suleiman
- Polyalthia gracilipes Merr.
- Polyalthia guabatuensis I.M.Turner & Utteridge
- Polyalthia guamusangensis I.M.Turner & Utteridge
- Polyalthia heteropetala Ghesq.
- Polyalthia hirtifolia J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia hispida B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia ichthyosma I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia igniflora D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia insignis Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia intermedia Bân
- Polyalthia johnsonii B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia kanchanaburiana Khumch. & Thongp.
- Polyalthia kinabaluensis I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia lanceolata S.Vidal
- Polyalthia lancilimba C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- Polyalthia lasioclada I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia lateritia J.Sinclair
- Polyalthia longirostris B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia luzonensis B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia malabarica I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia meghalayensis V.Prakash & Mehrotra
- Polyalthia microsepala Diels
- Polyalthia microtus Miq.
- Polyalthia miliusoides I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia mindorensis Merr.
- Polyalthia miniata Teijsm. & Binn.
- Polyalthia minima Jovet-Ast
- Polyalthia minutiflora Elmer
- Polyalthia monocarpioides I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia montis-silam D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia moonii Thwaites
- Polyalthia motleyana Airy Shaw
- Polyalthia myristica I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia novoguineensis B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia obliqua Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia oblonga King
- Polyalthia pakdin I.M.Turner & Utteridge
- Polyalthia parviflora Ridl.
- Polyalthia persicifolia Bedd.
- Polyalthia pisocarpa I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia polyphlebia Diels
- Polyalthia praeflorens Bân
- Polyalthia pumila Ridl.
- Polyalthia rufescens Hook.f. & Thomson
- Polyalthia saprosma I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia sessiliflora Bân
- Polyalthia socia Craib
- Polyalthia spathulata Boerl.
- Polyalthia stellata B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia stenopetala Finet & Gagnep.
- Polyalthia stenophylla I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia subcordata Blume - type species
- Polyalthia suberosa Thwaites
- Polyalthia submontana B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia sympetala I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia tipuliflora D.M.Johnson
- Polyalthia trochilia I.M.Turner
- Polyalthia venosa Merr.
- Polyalthia verrucipes C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li
- Polyalthia watui K.M.Wong
- Polyalthia xanthocarpa B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Polyalthia yingjiangensis Y.H.Tan & B.Xue
Reassigned to other genera
- Disepalum
- * Polyalthia pingpienensis P.T.Li is a synonym of Disepalum plagioneurum D.M.Johnson
- Huberantha Chaowasku
- * Polyalthia cerasoides Bedd. is a synonym of Huberantha cerasoides Chaowasku
- * Polyalthia korinti Benth. & J. Hk. ex J. Hk. & Thoms is a synonym of Huberantha korinti Chaowasku
- * Polyalthia nitidissima is a synonym of Huberantha nitidissima Chaowasku
- * Polyalthia palawanensis Merr. is a synonym of Huberantha palawanensis I.M.Turner
- Phaeanthus
- * Polyalthia macropoda King is a synonym of Phaeanthus ophthalmicus J.Sinclair
- Meiogyne
- * Polyalthia laddiana A.C.Sm. is a synonym of Meiogyne laddiana B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Monoon Miq.
- * Polyalthia coffeoides is a synonym of Monoon coffeoides B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- * Polyalthia fragrans Bedd.
- * Polyalthia glabra James Sincl.
- * Polyalthia hookeriana King
- * Polyalthia hypogaea King
- * Polyalthia longifolia Thwaites is a synonym of Monoon longifolium B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- * Polyalthia pachyphylla King is a synonym of Monoon pachyphyllum B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- * Polyalthia shendurunii Basha & Sasi. is now Monoon shendurunii B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- * Polyalthia simiarum Hook.f. & Thomson is a synonym of Monoon simiarum B.Xue & R.M.K.Saunders
- Wuodendron B.Xue, Y.H.Tan & Chaowasku
- * Polyalthia litseifolia C.Y.Wu ex P.T.Li is a synonym of Wuodendron praecox B.Xue, Y.H.Tan & X.L.Hou
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