Pollinator garden

A pollinator garden is planted and designed, with specific nectar and pollen producing plants, in a way that attracts pollinating insects known as pollinators. In order for a garden to be considered a pollinator garden, it should provide the following: various nectar producing flowers, shelter or shelter providing plants for pollinators, avoid the use of pesticides, and place similar flowers close to one another.


In 2015 the National Pollinator Garden Network launched its Million Pollinator Garden Challenge which encourages the entire nation to become aware of pollinators and their role. This challenge hopes to raise awareness so that existing habitats may be preserved and new habitats may be created. This project aims to help people understand the important role that pollinators play and why it is important to protect them. If pollinator habitats are not protected and new habitats are not created the lack of pollination to plants will ultimately affect humans. The main source of human nutrition, crops without pollination will suffer. It's not just the crops that are in danger, 80-95% of plant species other than crops require some form of pollination. Pollinator gardens are a way for these habitats to remain protected and encourage pollinators to continue pollinating plants around the world.


Pollinator gardens are now making their way into politics. In 2015 the American Society of Landscape Architects joined forces with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to encourage pollinator habitats on transportation right-of-way. This bill will be close to that of the bill H.R. 2738, the Highways Bettering the Economy and Environment Pollinator Protection Act
In June 2017 The House of Representatives moved the bill H.R. 3040. In Section 1. of the bill says that the Act may be referred to as " This bill calls upon the Environmental Protection Agency to take actions against particular pesticides that may negatively impact pollinators.
